Highland Herbs Nettle Tea 40g

$13.49 each


Plant description: Greater Nettle is native to Europe and Asia. It is a vigorous growing perennial that readily dominates. It is dies down in winter. Nettle grows to 2 m and the leaves and stem are covered with fine stinging hairs. The leaves are opposite, toothed and ovate. The flowers are very small, in long racemes in the axils of the upper leaves. The roots are a yellow colour. To distinguish Greater Nettle from Lesser Nettle, Lesser Nettle is shorter. The flowers form in the leaf axils all the way to the base of the stems. The roots are a whitish colour. Part used: Leaf and flower. Harvest: The leaf should be harvested when the plant comes into flower or shortly before. Active Constituents: Not well defined. Flavonoids, amines, silicic acid, rich in chlorophyll, formic acid, tannins, large amounts of vitamins and minerals, enzyme secretin. Energetics: Astringent, cooling. Actions: Nutritive, haemostatic and astringent, antirheumatic, anti-allergic, depurative, circulatory stimulant, diuretic, galactagogue, eliminates uric acid, hypoglycaemic. Uses: Tradiationally used in hayfever, eczema, urticaria, arthritis (including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout), uterine and gastro-intestinal bleeding, epistaxis, acne, and to promote milk production. Dosage: Infusion – pour one cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of dried herb and drink after five minutes. Drink up to one cup three times per day. Fluid Extract (1:2) – 20—40ml/week. Cautions: Rare allergic reactions can occur. Interactions: None known. Certified Organic Australian grown, in Tasmania by Highland Herbs Tasmania.

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